Rabu, 23 Juli 2008


Ternyata hidup itu bener-bener kaya roda yang selalu muter...
suatu saat kita pasti nemuin hal yang sulit didalam hidup kita....
gak heran kalo ada orang yang gak kuat ngehadepin hidup sampe jadi gila bahkan ada yang nekat bunuh diri. .....
Di setiap kemudahan pasti ada cobaan, di setiap cobaan pasti ada jalan untuk sampe ke tempat tujuan.
Pengalaman hidup mank bener-bener harus jadi pelajaran tapi juga harus di pahami maknanya.......
Kesulitan yang kita hadapi bisa jadi panduan hidup kita ke depan...
Bahkan kesulitan itu bisa merubah kita jadi lebih kuat n bisa paham arti hidup......

pUtus Cinta

bila cinta sudah binasa
jangan lekas hati terasa hampa
biarkan hidup menjalaninya
dan kau akan mendapatkan lebih dari yang kau kira

Tanpa Makna

Semua berjalan sepeti biasa..
Hari berganti dengan semestinya..
Hidup berjalan begitu apaadanya..
mengalir seperti air..
Pernahkah menjalani hari dengan makna?!
Sehari merasa bahwa kita bermakna dalam hidup ini?
tetapi hidup berjalan seperti biasa..
meninggalkan hari tanpa sesuatu yang yang bermakna..

Senin, 21 Juli 2008


dunia hitam
dunia putih
hitam putih dunia
dimanakan aku sekarang
dimanakah aku bepijak
akankah dunia yang sekarang aku pijak akan damai?
dimana manusia saling mengasihi..
tdk ada ambisi dan angkara...
hidup saling berdampingan tanpa ada pertengkaran

Sabtu, 12 Juli 2008

Habis gelap...terbitlah Gelap,...Lg???

secercah sinar pencerahan yang dinanti.....

kegelapan kembali datang.....

bangun pagi-pagi mengharapkan sinar matahari pagi datang memberikan secercah harapan untuk memulai langkah baru...kehidupan baru, lembaran baru....sesuatu yang baru, sesuatu yang indah, sesuatu yang memberikan warna yang berbeda....

tp apa yang diharapkan ternyata tidak terjadi, awan gelap kembali menutupi langit biru yang harusnya hadir mengiringi sang matahari bangun dari tidurnya pagi ini....

kesempatan itu belum ada...kesempatan itu tampaknya gak akan pernah ada, semua itu hanyalah sisa angan-angan dan mimpi indah semalam...terlalu banyak pengharapan....

pintu telah tertutup rapat, setidaknya itu tanda yang diberikan....jangan berharap lebih, jangan berharap menjadi yang spesial...sesuatu yang dipaksakan tidak akan berjalan dengan baik,


Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

I love U

tidak akan datang
jika kita menunggu
seseorang yang sempurna............

cinta akan datang
jika kita dapat menerima
ketidaksempurnaan seseorang
dan dapat mencintai nya
dengan cara yang sempurna............

Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Terserah Orang Bilang Apa...

terserah orang mu komentar apa tentang hidup gw, karena mreka gak tau apa2 ttg hidup gw..apa yang dah gw alamin, manis pahitnya hidup yang blum tentu mreka pernah rasain..mknya cuma bisa ngomentarin dari luarnya doank...gw gak seselin apa yang dah terjadi dalam kehidupan gw..malah gw bersukur ni jd pengalaman hidup yang berharga bgt, ampe akhirnya gw ngerti gmn caranya ngehargain hidup..gmn harus bertahan, gmn gw harus bangkit, n tersenyum tuk ngadepin smuanya...berat bgt awalnya tuk bisa berdiri n hadepin smuanya SENDIRI!!!! tapi akhirnya gw bisa....alhamdulilah...

gw cuma pengen jd orng yang berguna, gak mau lg dipandang sebelah mata ma orang cuma karena liat MASA LALU gw yang buruk, cuma karena liat HIDUP gw yang berantakan....gak bisa qta nilai seeorang cuma liat dari semua itu...gw yah gw!! gw bisa jadi lebih baik dari yang kemaren..., semua orang pasti punya fase hidup masing2, ada yang buruk jdnya tambah buruk, ada juga yang dari baik jadi buruk, ada juga yang dari buruk jadi baik...alhamdulillah fase yang trakhir yang gw berhasil lewatin....amin

sakit bgt rasanya saat orang2 deket yang qta sayangin pergi ninggalin n ngehianatin qta gt ajah...saat semua mimpi2 n cita2 yang dah qta bagun bubar berserakan gak karuan...kyk gelas yang dijatuhin dari gedung lantai 10, saat lu pengen ngasih n nunjukin yang terbaik bwt mreka tp kekecewaan yang amat sangat besar yang qta dapet...tp beginilah hidup, saat lu dapetin kebahagiaan lu juga harus siap dapetin kekecewaan...tp yang udah mah udah jadiin smuanya pelajaran tuk ngelatih kesabaran, n koreksi diri...

apa yang gw lakuin sekarang, gw cuma berusaha tuk bersikap baik, n berbuat baik ma orng..gw gak mau orang2 disekitar gw ngerasa disakitin, cukup gw yang ngerasain rasanya disakitin..gw yakin kebaikan yang gw tanam suatu saat pasti bakal dapet balesan dari yang diatas..amin...gw cuma pengen nyayangin n berbagi kasih sayang yang selama ini jarang bgt gw dapetin..kadang2 gw berdoa kpn yah ada seseorang yang mau nerima gw apa adanya dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihan gw..kadang2 juga gw bertanya sendiri apa salah klo qta terlalu sayang n ngelakuin apapun bwt orang yang qta sayang..........

Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

pecah 1 jerawat...3 jerawat lg....

huh......akhirnya pecah satu jerawat, tp msh ada 3 jerawat lg yg blum pecah...gk kerasa kyknya bru kemaren kuliah S1, skrg dah mulai berjuang lagi di S2…..buaaaanyak buaaanget tugas nya,mana tu buku bhs inggris smua….wueleH-wueleH….

dari jam 7 pagi ampe jam 4 sore baru beres,gila muka dari yang fresh ampe kusut gak jelas, yaiyalah masak yaeyadonk….dikasih tugas ma dosen dah kayak dokter ngasih obat ke pasien…....jelas aj muka jd kyk baju blum dsetrika.hahaha...

tp sedih euy andaikan ada seseorang yang ngasih gw semangat,mgkn hr2 gw gak sekusut baju yang blum d setrika...hahaha..

ayo bail!!!!!!!!

semangat...semangat....semangat......!!!!!!!!!!perjalanan hidup yang sesungguhnya tinggal selangkah lagi, lulus S2, cari kerja,nikah trus ngidupin anak istri..huh..gak kebayang!! tp gw harap gw bisa jd orang tua yg baik bwt ank2 gw nanti......


Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008

Bintang Jatuh.....

dirimu kuyakin kekasih jiwa ini
sedikit pun ragu hilang entah kemana
saat kehadiranmu
semua yg ada padaku
terhenti sekejap
menyambutmu kuterpaku

dan kini bila kau ada dihadapanku
semua tentangmu terbang jauh tinggalkanku
kau bagaikan cinta sejati
namun tak bisa dimiliki
entah apalagi
menggapaimu lelahku....

bintang jatuh dengarkanku...

bintang jatuhku datanglah kepadaku
wujudkan mimpi seperti dulu
saat kau mempertemukan aku
dengan yang membuat resah jiwaku

bintang jatuhku
taukah kau kumenunggu
hingga malam ini kan berlalu
terjaga kan aku dari lelapku

hari hari berganti semua tetap begini
hanya khayal tentangmu
setia menemaniku
namun kau tetap tak tergugah
dan seolah tak tersentuh

bintang jatuhku
hampiri aku......................

Jumat, 27 Juni 2008


cinta = gila
tau kenapa????
cinta ama gila tuh sebenernya gak jauh beda...orng yang lagi jatuh cinta bisa di buat gila, orng yang putus cinta ato sakit ati karna cinta juga bisa gila..tapi bedanya orang yang udah gila pasti gak bisa lagi ngerasain cinta, karna dia dah lupa rasanya cinta...
makanan apapun bakal enak rasanya klo lagi jatuh cinta, lu bakal memakannya dengan lahap sambil bersenandung...la.la.la.la.la.la......hidup bakal penuh warna, hal2 kecil dan hal yang paling gak penting sekalipun bakal bikin lu selalu tersenyum, ampe2 bibir lu susah nutup karna senyum mulu kyk orng gila...tapi makanan seenak apapun bakal gak ada rasanya di mulut klo lu lagi sakit karna cinta, smuanya bakal berubah menjadi satu warna, yaitu warna kegelapan..dimana semua hal yang lu lakuin seolah gak ada gunanya, bahkan hal yang penting sekalipun...senyum indah yang menjadi identitas diri lu pun seolah gak pernah muncul sebagai pemanis wajah lu...yang selalu ngehiasi hari2 lu, seakan2 ilang tertutup kegelapan yang lu rasain di hati lu....

so cinta = gila????

Holden Bandung

Rabu, 25 Juni 2008

Sejarah HolDen

The history of the Holden company goes back long before the days of the motor car. James Alexander Holden migrated from Staffordshire, England, to Adelaide in 1852, he was just seventeen years old at the time. 
Holden soon got involved in leather work, setting up a shop in King WIlliam Street, Adelaide to do leather worker and make saddles. Business was soon booming and in the middle 1860s J.A. Holden & Co. Merchants, Importers, and Wholesale Saddlers moved to bigger and better premises. 
In 1879 James Holden took his 20-year-old son Henry James Holden into the business and, in 1885, accepted German-born Henry Frederick Frost as a junior partner in what was later to become Holden & Frost Ltd. 
After the death of James Alexander Holden, Holden at the age of just 52 in 1887, Henry Holden become the senior partner. By then, the company was operating in the vehicle business, repairing abd building horse-drawn carriages and coaches. 
In 1905 a third generation Holden, Henry’s son, Edward Wheewall Holden, joined Holden & Frost. By the the company had a toehold in the car business, repairing car upholstery, and was soon manufacturing hoods and side curtains for automobiles. 
After the death of Frost in 1909, Henry Holden bought his late partner’s shares and went about building motorcycle sidecar bodies. 
In 1913 Holden & Frost produced its first complete custom-made car body using laborious carriage-building techniques. 
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, William Crapo Durant had founded General Motors Corporation (GMC). With the Buick Motor Company as his backbone, Durant went on a buying spree which netted him what was to become the biggest corporation in the history of automotive manufacturing in the world and the largest corporation in the USA. 
Fisrt it was Oldsmobile, the Cadillac, Oakland (later renamed Pontiac) and , finally the most succesful of all GM divisions, Chevrolet. 
During the first year of GM’s opretaion, 14,0000 employees built no fewer than 25,000 cars and trucks! 
With exports in mind, the GM Export Company was formed in 1911 and appointed a field representative to Australia. He was based in Sydney. 
The first GM cars arrived in Australia just before the breakout of WWI. That war was to change the future of Holden in a big way. 
As Germany’s unlimited submarine warfare affected Australia’s only source of international trade ? its shipping lanes ? the Federal Government introduced trade restrictions which included a covenant limiting the number of complete motor cars which could be imported. Only one complete car could be brought in for every three chassis, a rule which had a scondary aim of keeping Australian capital within Australia. 
Holden was one of many organisations which saw an avenue for expansion. In 1917 the company moved into motor body building and made a full scale move into the fast-growing world of the automobile. 
After building nearly a hundred bodies on Buick and Dodge chassis in its first year, Holden increased production to 587 in 1918 and then nearly 1600 just one year later. 
Holden had revolutionised the industry by introducing state-of-the-art production machinery and developing designs which took a minimum of hand finishing. Not only did this greatly reduce the unit price but also established Holden’s reputation for value for money and quality. 
The prosperity of the 1920s in America, dictated a constant rush of new car designs. It also made Holden so adept at responding to that challenge that it would import blueprints of forthcoming models and have the bodies ready and waiting to be installed by the time the chassing first hit Australian shores. 
In April 1923, Edward W. Holden (Henry’s son and later knighted Sir Edward) toured Europe and the USA where he received indications from GM in the US of its desire to use Holden as its sole vehicle-body builder in Australia. 
In 1924, after purchasing 22 acres of land, Holden opened its Woodville plant with one of the most modern production lines in the world. 
In its first year, Holden produced no fewer than 65 different body styles and built 22,150 vehicles. By then, Holden was the single biggest body builder in Australia and had nearly 50 per cent of the market. 
As well as car bodies, Holden also turned out railway carriages, bus and tram bodies and other items. 
It was in the late 1920s that the famous Lion and Stone badge was first used by Holden. This symbol represented the legend of man’s invention of the wheel, which supposedly took place after a caveman watched the king of the animals rolling a stone under its paw. Updated on several occasions, this badge is still in use today. 
With the arrival of the great depression, Holden’s Motor Body Builder began to have difficulties. 
The GM Corporation started negotiations with the aim of purchasing Holden and succeeded in March 1931. The sum was astronomical in those days; nearly two and quarter million dollars. 
Holden’s Motor Body Builder was the merged with GMA to form General Motors-Holden’s. 
The aim of the merger was to save the Australian operations and as sales were slipping, the balance sheets were still red in colour. This was unacceptable to the Americans, hence their dispacth of Vauxhall Director and GM trouble shooter Larry Hartnett with the simple brief, ‘Fix it up or shut it down!” 
Luckily for Holden, Larry Hartnett lived up to his company-saving reputation. Within one year the company had made a $1.5 million profit and lifted its sales to 23,129 (from a dismal 3674 the previous year!) 
Within a year, thanks to the healthy sales atmosphere, GM-H had set up new headquarters and a new assembly plant at Fisherman’s Bend on 20 hectares of the land. There were provisions for a foundry and an engine shop. 
So big was Hartnett’s vision for the company in Australia that he began discussing with GM-H executuves the possibility of building a locally manufactured car. 
Undaunted by the failure of many others who had tried to build an Australian car, and replying on the immense backing from GM, Hartnett’s dream would have become a reality except for one factor that he did not bargaiin on. The advent of another world war! 
WWII converted the flourishing GM-H car assembly plant into a flourishing war-effort mass-production plant. So versatile was Holden that it produced aircraft marine and land engine as well as airplane frames, armoured cars, semi-trailers, troop carriers, boats and onther military hardware. 
With the winding down of military contracts, GM-H revived its plants for Aussie car. Project 2000 seemed the best that GM-H engeineers could come up with and a prototype was completed in 1944 using Willys mechanical components. 
Later in that year the Australian Federal Government issued a formal invitation for submissions from companies interested in producing an Australian car. 
GM-H answered the call and undertook to carry out the whole project without subsidy or tariff assistance. GM USA approved the project but the GM Finance Committee turned down the request for finance, recommending instead that funds be found in Australia. 
Six million dollars was the figure required and was provided by the Commonwealth Band and the Bank of Adelaide badning together to provide GM-H with the funds required, thanks to the backing of Ben Chifley, the Prime Minister. 
The new-car team began working in earnest and soon came up with specifications for a vehicle that would be acceptable to Australians. 
The US engineers had already something in mind. A Chevrolet-badged experimental car for around 1940 was the basis of their design and was found to almost a match to the Aussie specifications. They modified the styling and built a clay mock-up which was approved by the GM-H team. 
With the styling complete work started on the American prototype. Three of those were hand-built and were virtually identical in appearance to the car that was eventually produced. They were tested in Detroit then late in 1946 they were packed and sent to Fisherman’s Bend, along with the Aussie Technicians and 22 of their US counterparts. 
Those prototypes were extensively tested outside Melbourne. Structurally, they were good, but their handling left a lot to be desired judging by the number of times the test drivers speared off into the bush! 
GM-H officials knew that if the car got a bad reputation at the start, their vast investment would be jeopardised so they put considerable effort into rectifying any shortcomings. 
The name of the new car was a highly guarded secret. Two names under consideration were GMH and ANZAC. The final decision for HOLDEN was not arrived at untill shortly before production commenced in 1948. 
Hartnett was replaced as head of the car building project in December 1946 after serious disagreements over numerous things, chiefly funding. Not surprisingly, he responded to this demotion by tendering his resignation. Larry Hartnett spent the next forty years in the industry and was knighted for his services. 
The new GM-H head was Harold Bettle, a senior US executive who oversaw the project through 1947 and 1948. 
After conducting a secret run for ten cars in April 1948 to test the final product and iron out the bugs, the all clear was given. On the 29th of November 1948, the first of the 48/215 Holdens rolled off the assembly line at Fisherman’s Bend with great fanfare. 
Prime Minister Chiefly greeted the fisrt Holdens as it left the factory and Australians responded with great excitement. After enduring years of rationing and wartime sacrifices this locally made car somehow signified a new age of prosperity. 
The Holden legend was born!